Monday 7 November 2016

How to approved by Google AdSense in no time

How to approved by Google AdSense in no time
People use to say that blogging is the easiest way to earn money by seating at your home, but actually money making is not an easy job, you have to pay a lot to earn. Most of the people join Blogging platform with the hope that they will earn money by placing ads on their sites or may be some other ways. But many bloggers leave blogging with disappointments because they can't even get the approval from AdSense.

Today in this tutorial I am going to show you how to get approval from AdSense just in a single day. As we know that to every problem there is a nicer way of solution, so problem of not getting approved by AdSesne can be resolved by tweaking. We can create an AdSense account through YouTube  and later on we can add our website to that AdSense account and finally show off ads on the site.
To create an Adsense account through YouTube
1) Sign Up to YouTube using your Gmail ID which is associated with your blog
2) Search on Google for any technology related video lowering your search results to thelast hour
3) Download the video and upload it back to your newly opened YouTube channel. If you are fond of making videos then it will be better to upload your own videos.

5) After uploading the video, click on the "Monetization" tab on the upload page and click the "Monetize my video" check box.
4) Now click on the following link and follow the instructions
5) After that you will get a confirmation email from AdSense team it will take a day max.
6) After successfully creating your AdSense account link your website to that AdSense account.

To link your website to AdSense 
1) Sign in to your AdSense account and click on Account settings
2) Scroll down to the bottom and you will see a link like Sites authorized to show ads
3) Click on that link and type your website address.
You are done, now you can place ads to your site

/ Thanks friends for visit this site.

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